Eyas Sharaiha@Eyaseyassheyas.sh


Google LLC

New York, NY

Software Engineer

July 2017 – Present

Broadway Technology

New York, NY

Software Developer

July 2014 – July 2017

Built high-performance loosely-coupled distributed systems on a 7-engineer team. Developed server-side components connecting sell-side banks to their clients.

  • Lead technical direction for a 3 developer initiative to consolidate two major families of components across asset classes. Implemented required changes for unified quoting libraries.
  • Designed and built a randomized test client for venue connectors over the FIX protocol. Load tests and performs state explorations of server-side components. These explorations can either follow a naive uniform distribution, or modeled by an NFA with user-defined state graphs and probabilities.
  • Designed and implemented a time-series analysis component monitoring system and business health. Computes configurable sliding-window measurements on arbitrary data. A single instance handles up to 100K incoming events/sec.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

June 2014

ThesisEnhancing the Classroom Experience with Faculty Curated Discussions ConcentrationComputer Systems GPA5.0/5.0

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering

June 2013

Major GPA5.0/5.0 GPA4.9/5.0


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Educational Counselor

June 2013 – Present

Recruiting, acting as a community resource, and interviewing candidates for the MIT freshman class.

Girls Who Code

Club Instructor

January – June 2016

Teaching middle school girls programming using Scratch and Python at a school club.